Central Heating Repair

Keep Your Central Heating System Running Smoothly with Our Professional Detection Repair Services

What is Central Heating Repair?

Central heating repair refers to the process of resolving any issues or problems that may arise with your property’s central heating system. This can include anything from fixing a leaky pipe to replacing a faulty TRVS or replacing a leaking radiator. It’s important to address any issues with your central heating system as soon as possible to ensure that it continues to function properly and efficiently and the issue is not escalated to a bigger problem, such as a larger leak that can cause damage to your property.

What Does the Central Heating Repair Include?

Our central heating repair services include a wide range of repairs and maintenance jobs such as:

    • Fixing leaks from radiators
    • Replacing faulty parts such as radiator valves
    • Resolving issues with faulty radiator valves such as releasing jammed TRVs
    • Diagnosing and repairing issues with central heating controls
    • Inspecting and maintaining radiators and pipework
    • Bleed and balance radiators
    • Top up system pressures
    • And many more

How Much Does Central Heating Repair Cost?

The cost of central heating repair will depend on the extend of the damage and the leak or the type of replacement required, but we solve a majority of common issues and leaks from £65+VAT

What Happens After Central Heating Repair or the leak repair is Completed?

After the repairs to the central heating system are finished, we will perform comprehensive tests to ensure that it is in good working order. We will also provide a full report of any works carried out. In addition, we will offer any maintenance advice that may be necessary to assist in the prevention of more problems in the future.

What other related services do you provide?

Boiler Servicing:
An annual boiler service is carrying out a series of checks and cleaning to the boiler in order to maintain and increase the life of a boiler. It is also a requirement by the manufacturer to honour any boiler guarantees.

Boiler Installation:
We provide a variety of Gas Boiler installations including Heat Only, System Boilers and Combi Boilers. We are experienced and registered installers of all major brands such as Idea, Baxi, Main, Vaillant, Keston and many more.

Smart Heating Controls:
Smart Heating Controls are intelligent thermostatic controls for your heating system. You can remotely control your heating from a smartphone, tablet, or other internet-connected device that is wirelessly connected to the internet. They also help save  money on your heating bills because you have more control over your heating. Additionally, you have individual room temperature control. By not heating unused spaces, you have more opportunities to reduce your heating costs. Most common smart heating controls include thermostats and TRVs

Heat Detectors:
Installation of wires, mains and interlinked heat detectors where a smoke alarm isn’t suitable. Heat detectors are important equipment for detecting fires and ensuring safety. As the name suggests, the devices sense the temperature of a room or area in order to detect fires. Heat detectors work on a similar principle used by smoke detectors, by tracking the temperature instead of smoke.

Smoke Alarm:
Installation of mains wired and interlinked smoke alarms, for homes, apartments, HMOs and businesses. Smoke alarms are a legal requirement for rental properties but a must have for all homes and businesses to protect lives

Unvented Cylinders:
Installation of direct and indirect unvented cylinders. We are experienced in unvented cylinders as part of gas boiler installation, a HIU installation or stand alone electric Unvented cylinders.

Power flushing:
A method of deep cleaning your central heating system, including pipework, radiators and boiler. Power flushing improves the quality of the water contained within the system by removing the sludge and rust build up that can cause boiler breakdown or long term damage to your boiler and radiators.

Magnetic Filters:
A device that collects debris and rust from the heating system. It can prevent damage to the boiler, leaking radiators and sludge build up within the central heating system.

Boiler Servicing:
An annual boiler service is carrying out a series of checks and cleaning to the boiler in order to maintain and increase the life of a boiler. It is also a requirement by the manufacturer to honour any boiler guarantees.


What are the typical causes of issues with central heating?

Leaking pipes,  leaking radiators, blocked radiators, air in the system, faulty heating controls are a few common causes of central heating issues.

Can I fix central heating issues on my own?

While some straightforward repairs can be done by the homeowner, it is typically best to hire a professional for central heating repairs. This is due to the system’s potential complexity and the danger of attempting repairs without the necessary knowledge and system or technical knowledge of central heating boilers.

How can I tell if the heating system in my property needs to be repaired?

Low heat output, strange noises, constant loss of pressure and an increase in your energy costs are some indications that your central heating system may need repair. It’s a good idea to have a professional look at any of these problems if you notice them.

How often should my central heating system be maintained?

In order to make sure that your central heating system is operating correctly and efficiently, it is generally advised to have it serviced at least once a year. This could help keep problems from developing and increase the lifespan of your system.

Is it better to replace my central heating system or repair it?

Your central heating system’s age, condition, and repair cost will all play a role in whether you decide to repair it or replace it. In general, replacing a system rather than continually repairing one that is old and having problems could be more cost-effective.

How can I avoid having issues with my central heating system?

Regular maintenance and servicing, taking care of any minor issues as soon as they arise, and making sure the system is installed and maintained correctly are some ways to avoid central heating issues.

What should I do if the heating system in my property malfunctions?

The first thing you should do if your central heating system malfunctions is to turn it off while you look for the source of the issue. It is best to call a specialist for help if you are unable to do so or if the problem cannot be resolved by you due to your level of expertise.

How long does a typical central heating repair take?

The specific problem that needs to be resolved will determine how long it takes to finish central heating repair.  Some simple repairs can be completed within an hour and while some repairs might only need a few hours, others might take a day or longer.

How can I avoid central heating problems in the winter?

It maybe a good idea to service or have your system inspected at the end of the summer months to give you the best chance for the cold winter months

Can central heating repair or service lower my energy costs ?

Yes, central heating systems that are working properly are typically more energy-efficient, which can help you save money on your energy costs. You can ensure that your system is operating as efficiently as possible by fixing any problems.

How can I determine whether my central heating system is operating effectively?

High energy bills, uneven heating, and a lack of hot water are a few indications that your central heating system may not be functioning effectively. It might be time to have your system checked by a heating engineer if you notice any of these problems.

What should I do if I suspect a leak in my central heating?

It’s crucial to take immediate action if you think you might have a central heating leak. Your home may sustain significant damage from a central heating leak, which can be expensive to fix. It is best to call a heating engineer for help if you are unable to find the leak’s source.

How can I stop leaks in my central heating system?

Regular maintenance and servicing of your system, taking care of any minor issues as soon as they appear, and making sure the system is installed and maintained correctly are some ways to prevent central heating leaks.

How can I tell if my central heating system is leaking?

Dropping water pressure, a sudden rise in energy costs, noisy radiators or boiler and the sound of running water when the heating is off are some indications that you may have a central heating leak.

How can I stop central heating pipes from freezing or leaking in the winter?

A common cause for central heating pipes leaking in the winter is freezing. To ensure your central heating pipes don’t freeze, keep your central heating on at a low temperature when away from the property rather than completely turn it off.

How long does it usually take to fix a central heating leak?

The precise location and size of the leak will determine how long it takes to repair a central heating leak. While some leaks might be simple to fix, others might require more time.

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