Landlord Gas Safety Certificates, and Why its Needed

Importance of Gas Safety  

Gas Safe Register is the official gas registration body in the UK, and it is in responsible for registration and regulation of gas engineers.   Gas safety, according to Gas Safe Register, is the practise of ensuring that gas appliances, fittings, and flues are safe for use and that installation, maintenance, and repair of these items is performed by a qualified, registered gas engineer. This includes inspecting for gas leaks, ensuring proper ventilation, and ensuring that appliances are operating safely and efficiently. It also includes routine maintenance and servicing of gas appliances to ensure they are safe and efficient. Additionally, an annual gas safety check performed by a Gas Safe registered engineer is required to ensure that the appliances in a property are safe to use and meet safety standards. Landlords who rent out properties with gas appliances are required by law carry out a Gas Safety Certificate (CP12) at least every 12 months. 

What is a Landlord Gas Safety Certificate (CP12)? 

A Landlord Gas Safety Certificate, also known as a CP12 certificate, is a document issued by a Gas Safe registered engineer certifying that all gas appliances, fittings, and flues in a property have been checked and determined to meet safety of use. The safety record includes information about the appliances checks, any defects discovered, and any repairs or maintenance that were performed. Gas safety certificates are valid for one year and must be renewed annually to ensure that the property’s gas appliances are always safe to use. Landlords must have a valid Landlord Gas Safety  (CP12) in order to rent out a property with a gas appliance. 

In the UK landlords are required by law to have a gas safety check carried out every 12 months by a Gas Safe Registered engineer to ensure and maintain safety. This needs to be carried out before a tenant can move into a property 

A landlord’s gas safety certificate is a necessary legal document that demonstrates your gas appliances were inspected by a licenced gas safety engineer, ensuring the safety of tenants and occupants of the property as part of landlord’s legal obligations. 


Gas safety certificate are undoubtedly the most crucial of the many legal obligations you have as a landlord to the tenant/s. The certificates serve as an official safety record confirming the gas installation including pipework, fittings, flues, and gas appliances have undergone checks by qualified gas safe registered engineers within the last 12 month period. 

Who requires these gas safety checks?  

You must conduct regular gas safety checks on any gas appliances (permanent or portable) and gas flues that you possess. The completed report should be given to your tenants.   

A Gas Safety check is required by the following:  


Housing associations  

Local authorities  

Hotels and bed-and-breakfasts  


Boarding schools  


What are the penalties if I don’t maintain my tenants’ gas appliance?  

Failure to comply may cause a person’s death. In addition, you face prosecution, which may result in imprisonment, a fine of up to £20,000, or both, for each violation. If the case is subsequently referred to the Crown Court, the maximum penalty may consist of imprisonment, an infinite fine or both. 

What are my  duties as a landlord with regards to Gas Safety of my rental property?  

As a landlord or managing agent of a rental property you are required to: 

  • Ensure that gas fittings and flues are in  safe. Gas appliances should be maintained according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. If these are unavailable, it is suggested that they be serviced annually, unless a Gas Safe-registered engineer advises otherwise  
  • Ensure that annual safety inspections are performed on all gas appliances and flues. Before any tenancy agreement begins, you must ensure that these inspections have been performed within the previous year, unless the property’s appliances have been installed for less than 12 months, in which case they must be inspected within 12 months after installation.  
  • Keep the record of the gas safety inspection until two additional inspections are performed  
  • Provide a copy of the most recent safety check record to existing tenants within 28 days of the check’s completion and to new tenants prior to their move in unless there is an option to display it.  
  • The standards outline the gas safety concerns that must be addressed. You should not assume that an annual service inspection satisfies the safety check obligation, nor should you think that a safety check alone is sufficient to provide effective maintenance. Whenever necessary, seek the assistance of a Gas Safe-registered engineer.  
  • The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) (Amendment) Regulations 2018 permitted landlords to have the annual gas safety check conducted between 10 and 12 calendar months after the previous check, while retaining the original deadline date as if the check had been conducted precisely 12 calendar months after the previous check. 

Importance of Electrical Safety  

Because many gas appliances, such as boilers and cookers, have electrical components that must be checked for safety, electrical safety is an important aspect of gas safety.  

A gas boiler, for example, may have an electrical control system that must be checked to ensure proper and safe operation. If the electrical system fails, there is a risk of fire, which can be extremely dangerous.  

Furthermore, ovens and cookers have an electrical ignition system that uses a spark to light the gas; these systems must be checked to ensure they are working properly and safely.  

A thorough inspection of all electrical components and systems associated with gas appliances should always be included in a gas safety check to ensure they are safe to use.  

Furthermore, the gas engineer performing the safety check should ensure that the electrical installation in the property is in good working order, with no loose or frayed wires or other potential hazards.  

To protect against the risk of fire, explosion, and carbon monoxide poisoning, it is critical to ensure that both gas and electrical appliances and systems are safe to use. 

What is checked during a Gas Safety Inspection?  

During a Gas Safety Check, a Gas Safe registered engineer performs the following checks:  

  • The installation is leak tested to ensure there is no escape of gas 
  • The functionality of the gas meter and its safety controls are checked 
  • The heat output and pressure of each and every gas appliance. This is to ensure that their performance is optimal.  
  • The flue attached to your boiler or water heater. These are necessary for your or your tenant’s safety since they allow products of combustion to escape the building.  
  • The installation of the gas appliance, such as ensuring that the boiler is correctly installed, connected, and working properly.  
  • The air supply: that each appliance’s air supply is correct, as gas requires this to burn effectively and cleanly. 
  • Safety devices of all appliances are check to ensure correct functionality 

On completion of the gas safety check a safety record of a certificate is produced which may recommend corrections and remedial work. In addition to these the engineer may also recommend a boiler service (e.g. after taking readings from a gas flue analyser) or a cooker service (hob service) due to poor flame quality. 

Who does the Gas Safety Law Apply to? 

The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations of 1998 impose responsibilities on gas customers, gas installers, gas providers, and gas landlords. These laws connect to other safety limits on combustion equipment, such as the Building Regulations’ ventilation and flue standards. For your own safety, keep in mind:  

According to the law, any business or person performing work on gas appliances or fittings must be qualified and registered with the Gas Safe Register.  

According to the law, only a qualified individual may perform work on gas appliances or fittings. DIY work on gas appliances or fittings is illegal and potentially hazardous;  

You are prohibited by law from using any gas appliance or fitting that you know or suspect to be hazardous. 

What if an appliance fails the Gas Safety Check?  

The safety check record will include specifics about any defects found and any actions done. Before using the equipment again, you must check that any safety defects have been repaired (by a Gas Safe-registered engineer). It is advised that you preserve copies of all work performed to address safety check-identified flaws.  

It is illegal to use or permit the use of a gas equipment of which you are aware to be unsafe. Under no circumstances should you reconnect a dangerous appliance that has been disconnected or isolated for safety reasons until the problem has been resolved. 

How do I know if a gas engineer is Gas Safe registered?  

All gas engineers must carry a valid ID card issued by the Gas Safe Register and these are renewed every year. The card includes a photograph of the engineer,  business registration number, personal license number, the name of the company, the card’s start and expiration dates, and a security hologram. The back of the card specifies the type of gas work the engineer is qualified to perform. 

Alternatively you can also call Gas Safe Register during normal office hours on 0800 408 5500 or go to the website and check the business and the engineers online. 

What is the validity of a gas safety certificate? 

Each Gas Safety Certificate  has a 12-month expiration date and must be handed to  tenants no later than 28 days following the expiration of the prior certificate. Additionally, landlords must provide a copy of the gas safety certificate to any new tenants before their move in date or within 28 days of their arrival. 

How long after its expiration does the landlord have to keep the gas safety certificate on file? 

The landlord must keep all previous gas safety certificates for at least two years in order to show a history of compliance if necessary. 

What if the landlord fails to provide a gas safety certificate? 

Landlords who fail to provide a gas safety certificates are subject to fines and possible imprisonment. In addition failure to provide a valid gas safety certificate can create complications in court when evicting a tenant. 

What happens if the tenants install their own gas appliances? 

Appliances that residents have brought with them are their responsibility. Only the fittings and flues are subject to landlord maintenance requirements. Even so, it’s usually worthwhile to include them in a check in the belief that it’s better to be safe than sorry. 


What should be included in a Gas Safety Inspection? 

Any equipment or appliance that uses gas will be examined during each annual gas safety inspection. Gas supply, gas boilers, and any gas pipework are all included in this. 

The inspection also includes 

Inspection of  appliances for tightness, functionality and compliance with safety standards. 

Checks to make sure there is enough airflow and adequate ventilation where required 

Verification that gas appliances are operating as intended by the manufacturer. 

Ensuring that flammable materials are removed and adequate clearance is provided as specified by manufacturer 

Ensuring flues are secured, sealed and void of any damage or blockages 

Inspection of  adequate gas supply to appliances to meet minimum demand rate 

Inspection of  safety equipment to make sure it functions safely and look for any products that have been used improperly with gas. 

How do the changes to Gas Safety Installation and Use Regulations affect me? 

The amendments to GSIUR, which do not lower regulatory requirements or safety standards, are intended to:  

  • Allow some flexibility in the schedule of annual gas safety assessments for landlords. This modification allows landlords to do the yearly gas safety inspection two months prior to the expiration date while maintaining the current expiration date. This prevents landlords from waiting until the last minute and being unable to acquire entry, or from having to reduce the annual cycle inspection in order to comply with the legislation. There is no change to the legal requirement for a yearly gas safety inspection and maintenance.  
  • Incorporate an existing exemption into the law to allow for alternative checks in situations where there is no meter to directly measure the heat input and it is not possible to measure the operating pressure, and slightly expand the scope to include situations where the meter is inaccessible or the meter display is not functioning. 

Which gas equipment is covered under my Duty as a Landlord?  

The safety inspection and maintenance requirements apply to all gas appliances and flues installed in “relevant properties”:  

Tenant-owned appliances are not covered;  

Flues/chimneys linked solely to a tenant-owned appliance are not covered;  

Any equipment and flues supplying “relevant properties” (such as central heating boilers not installed in tenants’ housing, but used to heat them) are included.  

The safety check does not apply to gas appliances (such as gas fireplaces provided for customers in non-residential parts of public houses) that are utilised exclusively in a non-residential portion of a building.  

Your need to maintain and conduct safety checks extends to both permanent and portable appliances. 

Can I make my tenant responsible for the Gas Safety of my property? 

No, unless a contract is written up between a landlord and a tenant for an appliance or flue put in a non-residential portion of a building, such as a shop or a bar, etc. Your tenant has an obligation to refrain from using any potentially hazardous appliances. 

What is my responsibility for Gas Safety if I use a managing agent? 

Overall duty for ensuring compliance with standards remains with the landlord. The management contract should specify who is responsible for coordinating safety inspections and keeping records. 

What are my Gas Safety responsibilities if I sub-let my property? 

In these cases, the “original” landlord may still have some responsibilities that overlap with those of the person who sublets. In these situations, it is important to work closely together and be clear about who is responsible for what to make sure that all legal duties are met and that the terms of the contract keep tenants safe. 

What happens if I fail to maintain the gas appliances of my tenants?  

Failure to comply may result in death. In addition, you face prosecution, which may result in imprisonment, a fine of up to £20,000, or both, for each violation. If the case is subsequently referred to the Crown Court, the maximum penalty may consist of imprisonment, an infinite fine, or both. 

My tenant shares the home in exchange for “rent” do I need a Gas Safety Check carried out?  


As the original landlord, you are responsible for conducting gas safety inspections. You cannot transmit this responsibility to a subletting tenant. If your house is entirely rented out, your contract with your tenant must clearly assign duty for the gas safety inspection.  

In the event of sublet housing, the “original” landlord may retain overlapping responsibilities with those obtained by the subtenant. In such situations, duty holders must take adequate measures (such as tight cooperation and explicit assignment of tasks under contractual arrangements) to guarantee that all requirements are met. However, licensors (i.e. “subletters”) of premises who are also tenants of such premises are not considered landlords in this context and are exempt from regulation 36 requirements. This means that a tenant who allows people to share their residence in exchange for “rent” does not incur responsibilities under the legislation; these responsibilities stay with the landlord.  

I have a relative living rent-free in my home do I need a Gas Safety Check carried out?    

Although a gas safety inspection is not required by law, the HSE recommends that you maintain and service gas appliances in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.  


My property is currently empty do I need a Gas Safety Inspection carried out? 

You must ensure that all appliances/flues are safe and have an up to date gas safety check record to be presented for the new tenants before they move in.  

The apartment is subject to domestic gas taxes, thus you must schedule an annual gas safety inspection.  

What should I do to provide access to my rental property for a Gas Safety Inspection?  

The agreement you draught with the tenant should include access provisions for maintenance and safety inspections.  

You are required to take “all reasonable means” to ensure this work is completed, which may include giving written notice to a tenant requesting access and stating the reason for the request. Keep a record of all actions done, in the event that a tenant rejects access and you are required to demonstrate the procedures followed. If a tenant continues to reject access despite repeated attempts, you may need to consider legal action in accordance with the terms of their agreement. The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations do not grant you the authority to forcibly enter a property. 

What type of rental property should have a Gas Safety Check carried out?  

The duties generally apply to appliances and flues provided for tenants’ use in ‘relevant premises’, that is those occupied for residential purposes under either a licence, a tenancy agreement for a set term, or a lease as defined in the Regulations. Essentially any lease under seven years is covered.  

How can I tell if my Gas Boiler is unsafe? 

Some gas boiler issues are especially dangerous and could put your family in danger. If you smell gas, see apparent burning, soot, or black stains, observe a drooping yellow pilot light, or you or a member of your household has been experiencing headaches, nausea, or dizziness, you must act immediately.  

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a very toxic gas created when natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas is burned incompletely (LPG). This can occur when a gas appliance has been improperly installed, repaired, or maintained.  

CO can be fatal and is extremely harmful because it cannot be seen, tasted, or smelled, and its symptoms resemble those of viruses and a severe hangover. If you are unsure contact us today to book an urgent vist from one of our Gas Safe Registered Engineers. Alternatively we are able to offer a FREE video call with one of our engineers to advise further. 

What should I do if I think there is a Gas Leak? 

If you smell gas or suspect a gas leak or carbon monoxide leak, you must immediately take the following precautions:  

Open all windows and doors.  

Turn off the gas supply at the control valve for the meter (if you know where it is). If gas continues to leak, call the National Gas Emergency Service at 0800 111 999, 24 hours a day.  

Ensure all inspections and repairs are performed by a Gas Safe-registered engineer. 

Can I get a free Gas Safety Check for my property? 

You are eligible to join your supplier’s Priority Service Register if you are over 60, chronically ill, disabled, deaf or hearing-impaired, blind or visually impaired. As a member, you are entitled, among other things, to a free yearly gas safety check (unless you reside in rented housing, in which case it is your landlord’s responsibility to ensure the check is performed). For additional details, please refer to the back of your gas statement.  

How frequently must I schedule a gas safety inspection for my rental property?  

You must ensure that each gas appliance/flue has an annual safety inspection. Before the start of any new lease, you must ensure that these inspections have been completed within the previous year. Further information is accessible under the Gas safety – landlords and letting agents section.  

What do I have to do if the yearly gas safety check identifies safety issues?  

Landlords are required to take fast action to rectify any deficiency noted on the safety check record if it was not addressed at the time of the safety inspection. If there is any suspicion that an appliance may be dangerous or unsafe, the landlord or other responsible person for the p 

remises (e.g., agent) must ensure that the appliance is not used until the defect(s) have been rectified. 

What will your engineers do if they find an unsafe Gas Installation or appliance? 

  • During a gas safety check or service, if our Gas Safe registered engineers discover an unsafe situation, they will follow the Gas Industry Unsafe Situations Procedure (GIUSP).  
  •  They will initially investigate the cause of the problem and correct any errors where possible   
  • If this is not possible, they will inform you that the equipment must be fixed before use can resume.  
  • If they are unable to resolve the issue immediately, they will obtain authorization to make the installation safe by disconnecting it or shutting off the gas supply to the affected area. 

What documents should I receive after a Gas appliance has been fitted in my property? 

If a Gas Safe registered engineer installs a heat-producing gas appliance in your home, you should obtain a Buildings Regulation Certificate. It’s essentially a notice to the Local Authority that a new appliance has been installed, and you should receive it in the mail within 28 days.  

What Gas categories are your engineers qualified to work on and what do they mean? 

Cooker Competent in the install, commission, exchange, disconnect, service, repair, safety checking and break down of domestic cooking appliances. Excluding Range Cookers (see relevant description). 
Boiler Competent in the install, exchange, commission, disconnect, service, repair, safety checking and breakdown of domestic gas fired central heating/hot water boilers including fire-back/boilers, circulators, combi boilers, storage water heaters and instantaneous water heaters. 
Water Heater Competent in the install, exchange, disconnect, service, repair, breakdown, safety checking and commission domestic instantaneous gas water heating appliances only 
Pipework Core domestic gas safety knowledge and understanding including the installation and testing of gas pipework up to 35mm diameter in a domestic environment. 
Combustion Analysis The testing of appliance combustion performance when using an electronic gas flue analyser as required for commissioning following installation, re-commissioning after servicing or replacement of parts, or for determining the need for full servicing requirements on gas fired appliances. 
Meters Competent in the installation, commissioning, exchange and removing domestic gas meters. 

Unsafe Gas Safety categories explained 

If a gas-related hazard is discovered in your house, your engineer will apply a “Danger Do Not Use” label on the appliance or fixture in question and also issue you with a gas warning letter. This notification will give specific information about the hazardous condition.  

There are two sorts of danger:  

Immediately Dangerous (ID)  

As implied by the category name, an installation classed as “immediately dangerous” poses an immediate threat to life and property if left operational. With your permission, our engineer will disconnect it, and you will be unable to use the installation until it has been repaired and made safe.  

If you do not give our engineer permission to disconnect a natural gas-powered installation, they will obliged notify the Gas Emergency Service Provider (ESP), which has the legal authority to shut off the gas supply and make the situation safe.  

At risk (AR)  

This categorization denotes the presence of one or more recognised defects that could pose a threat to life or property in the absence of further defects. Our engineer will, with your consent, turn off the appliance, which should not be used until it has been repaired.  

Under certain conditions, turning off the gas supply will not lower the risk. If this is the case, our engineer will issue a warning and provide relevant information. 

Carbon Monoxide and Gas Safety  

It is now a legal requirement to install a carbon monoxide alarm in every room that contains a fuel burning appliance. This includes an open fireplace that can be functional and the sole exception is if the open fireplace is primarily aesthetic and not functional, in which case a carbon monoxide alarm is generally not necessary.  

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