Gas Safety Certificate London – Landlord Gas Safety Inspections

 Are you a landlord in need of a Gas Safety Certificate in London? Our team of Gas Safety Engineers will ensure your property is compliant and safe for the tenants before leaving your property. 

Gas Safety Certificates for Landlords

In the UK landlords are required by law to have their rental properties inspected every 12 months by a Gas Safe Registered engineer to ensure and maintain safety. These engineers will use a set of guidelines and regulations to ensure your gas appliances and gas pipework are safe and free from faults (eg Gas Leaks). 

For landlords, obtaining a Gas Safety Certificate is a legal responsibility under the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998. Each year, gas safety checks must be performed on all gas appliances and installations across your properties. And Pyramid Solution is here to ensure the process is smooth, straightforward and stress-free.

The certificate we issue includes:

  • Descriptions of the appliances tested.
  • Test results for each appliance.
  • Safety concerns identified during inspection and recommendations for action.
  • Details of the issuing engineer, property, and landlord.

Tenant-owned appliances are not under the landlord’s responsibility, but the connected pipework is.

Gas Safety Certificates for Homeowners 

As a homeowner while you’re not legally bound to hold a Gas Safety Certificate, prioritising the safety of your household should be paramount. Regular inspection and servicing of all your gas appliances are highly recommended. This ensures that every component is functioning as it should, providing you peace of mind that you’ve taken an important step towards guaranteeing the safety and wellbeing of your loved ones.

Not only does a yearly check of your gas appliances ensure their optimal performance, it also helps identify potential hazards early. Any signs of malfunction or risk of harmful gas emissions can be promptly addressed, preventing possible incidents. Remember safety isn’t a privilege, it’s a necessity. Therefore although it’s not a legal obligation obtaining a Gas Safety Certificate for your home is a proactive measure to maintain a secure environment for you and your family.

Consequences of not having a valid gas safety certificate

If you fail to obtain a valid Gas Safety Certificate as a landlord, the repercussions can be serious, considering the potential danger of gas or carbon monoxide leaks. According to the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998, landlords are required to ensure a safe living environment for their tenants through regular gas safety inspections. Non-compliance with these regulations can lead to serious penalties.

Potential consequences for failing to comply with Gas Safety Certificate regulations include:

  • Substantial penalties of up to £6,000 per violation or up to 6 months in jail;
  • Nullification of your insurance coverage due to non-compliance;
  • In the tragic event of a loss of life due to negligence, the responsible party could face manslaughter charges.

Responsibilities of property management companies for gas safety 

Property management companies have several key legal obligations to ensure gas safety in the properties they oversee. They are responsible for compliance with the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998, requiring up-to-date knowledge and adherence to these standards. This involves arranging annual inspections by a Gas Safe registered engineer who checks all gas appliances, pipework, and flues to identify potential hazards and ensure proper function.

Additionally, these companies must acquire and maintain gas safety certificates for their managed properties. A Gas Safe engineer issues these certificates following annual inspections, and these records must be kept for at least two years. Copies of the certificate should be given to the tenants within 28 days of inspection. By ensuring compliance with these obligations, property management companies can uphold safety standards and protect tenants from potential gas-related hazards.

What is included in the Gas Safety Inspection?

The checks are centred around 5 main areas:

  • Inspecting and testing appliances and pipework for Gas Leaks
  • Appliances are burning and operating correctly 
  • Harmful gases and products of combustion are safely directed to outside air
  • Ventilation means are correctly installed, working and clear of obstructions
  • All required safety devices are in place and working correctly

How much does a Landlord Gas Safety Inspection cost?

Our low cost Gas Safety Inspections start from just £45+ VAT for a metre test only and for a typical rental property containing a Gas Boiler and a Gas Cooker from £55+VAT. Please see a lit of appliances not covered before booking an inspection.

Gas Safety Certificate and Boiler Service 

Our comprehensive Gas Safety Certificate and Boiler Service packages start from as little as £99 plus VAT. In addition to all the necessary safety checks carried out on your installation we will also carry out a boiler service to ensure the longevity of your appliance and pick up any potential hazards early, possibly avoiding future breakdowns. 

What happens once the Gas Safety Inspection for my rental property has been completed? 

On completion a Gas Safety Certificate will be issued displaying either a pass status or recommendations to ensure the installation is safe or up to date. A copy of the Gas Safety Certificate must be given to the tenant of the property. Where additional works are required we will attach a quote to the certificate. You are under no obligation to use our services but the works must be undertaken by a Gas Safe Registered Engineer

Significance of Gas Safety Certificate 

As required by UK law, every rental property equipped with fuel-burning appliances must obtain a Gas Safety Certificate, also known as a landlord’s gas certificate record or CP12. This important document ensures the safe operation of gas appliances, reducing the risk of dangerous gas or carbon monoxide leaks.

When you choose Pyramid Solution, you are opting for a comprehensive service conducted by certified Gas Safe Registered Engineers. Our skilled professionals will thoroughly inspect your property’s gas appliances and connections for optimal performance and safety.

Gas Safety for Tenants

If you’re a tenant, rest assured your landlord is legally obligated to provide you with a valid Gas Safety Certificate within 28 days of the check, ensuring your safety and wellbeing.

What if Gas Safety Checks Fail?

In the event of a failed safety check, our professional team at Pyramid Solution is here to guide you through the next steps. Certificates indicate a pass or a fail. A fail denotes that an appliance is “Not Safe to use”, which we take very seriously.

There are several codes for a fail:

  • Not to Current Standard (NCS)
  • At Risk (AR)
  • Immediate Dangerous (ID)

These labels indicate different levels of severity, and we’re committed to advising you on the necessary actions, including possible disconnection, to ensure safety.

Common Issues Found During Inspections

Common faults found during inspections

During a Gas Safety inspection, the Gas Safe Register engineer will check all gas appliances in your property to ensure they are safe and working correctly. The most common faults found during inspections include problems with the flue, ventilation, and gas pressure. Blocked or inadequate ventilation can lead to dangerous carbon monoxide poisoning, while incorrect gas pressure can cause appliances to become unsafe or inefficient.

Worn-out seals on appliances can also cause gas leaks. If there is damage to a seal, then gas can escape from the appliance and accumulate in the surrounding area.

An additional issue that may arise is if appliances have not been installed correctly. In some cases, DIY installations could lead to dangerous levels of carbon monoxide being produced into the living space.

How to prevent these issues from occurring

To prevent these common issues from occurring, it is essential that you carry out regular maintenance checks on your gas appliances. This includes checking that air vents are not blocked and ensuring that flues are not obstructed by birds’ nests or debris.

It is also important that any repairs or servicing of your gas appliances are carried out by a registered Gas Safe engineer. Additionally, before purchasing any new appliances for your property, make sure they meet current safety standards and adhere to building regulations.

Always hire a professional installer who is registered with the Gas Safe Register when fitting new equipment as this ensures that everything has been installed correctly preventing future problems from occurring. By following these preventative measures, you can help ensure that your property remains safe and free from any potential hazards related to gas leaks or carbon monoxide poisoning; giving you peace of mind as well as protecting your occupants’ health and wellbeing.

The Consequences of Not Having a Gas Safety Certificate

Legal implications for landlords and homeowners who do not have a certificate

It is a legal requirement for landlords in London to obtain a Gas Safety Certificate for all properties that they rent out. Failure to do so can result in serious consequences. Landlords who do not have a valid Gas Safety Certificate can face large fines and even imprisonment.

In addition, they may be sued by tenants if they suffer any injuries or harm as a result of gas leaks or carbon monoxide poisoning. Homeowners who do not have a Gas Safety Certificate are also putting themselves and their families at risk.

In the event of an accident caused by gas appliances, insurance companies may refuse to pay out if there is no evidence of regular inspections and maintenance. This means that homeowners could be financially liable for any damages or injuries caused by their negligence.

Risks associated with gas leaks and carbon monoxide poisoning

Gas leaks are extremely dangerous and pose serious risks to health and safety. They can cause explosions or fires, which can lead to fatalities or severe injuries. Carbon monoxide poisoning is another risk associated with poorly maintained gas appliances.

Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas that creates flu-like symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, confusion, fatigue, and chest pain. The consequences of exposure to carbon monoxide can be severe even when it does not result in death.

Long-term exposure to low levels of carbon monoxide can lead to chronic health problems such as heart disease, neurological disorders, lung damage, memory loss, depression among others. Therefore having regular checks on all gas appliances is crucial as it helps prevent damage from uncontrolled emissions while ensuring fuel efficiency throughout the year avoiding huge bills from energy companies related with your home’s consumption hence ensuring homeowner’s peace of mind knowing their family will be protected from potentially life-threatening risks.

What other gas related or landlord services do you provide?


Electrical Installation Condition Report formerly known as periodic Inspection Report is an certificate outlining the condition of the electrical installation within a property and any potential or existing hazards. An EICR is a legal requirement for rental properties in the UK and maybe required if you are selling your home.

Boiler Servicing: 

An annual boiler service is carrying out a series of checks and cleaning to the boiler in order to maintain and increase the life of a boiler. It is also a requirement by the manufacturer to honour any boiler guarantees 

PAT Testing 

Portable appliance testing (PAT) is the label used for inspection and testing of electrical appliances and equipment to ensure they are safe to use and clear of any hazards. Majority of  electrical safety issues can be found by visual inspection but some types of defect can only be found by testing. Using the correct calibrated PAT testing equipment.


An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is a document collated from an energy assessment of a property to outline how efficiently the property performs in energy consumption and heat retention. Simillar to the  multi-coloured labels now seen on new appliances,  EPCs advise how energy efficient a building is and give it a rating from A (very efficient) to G (inefficient). In the UK an EPC is a legal document required to rent or sell your property.

Fire Risk Assessments:

Fire Risk Assessment is a thorough inspection of place of business or residence to gather visual information if any fire hazards exist, if they could cause harm, quantify the level of risk and how best they can be removed. 

Boiler Servicing: 

An annual boiler service is carrying out a series of checks and cleaning to the boiler in order to maintain and increase the life of a boiler. It is also a requirement by the manufacturer to honour any boiler guarantees 

Gas Appliance Installation:

Installing and servicing a variety of water heating and cooking appliances. Including pipework and all associated works 

Gas Leak Repair:

Locating and repairing gas leaks from your gas pipework or gas appliances.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Why do I need a gas safety certificate? 

A gas safety certificate is important because it certifies that a property’s gas appliances and flues have been checked by a qualified gas safe registered engineer and are safe to use. This is critical for the tenants’ safety.

Who is responsible for getting a gas safety certificate?

In the United Kingdom, it is the landlord’s responsibility to arrange for a gas safety check on their rental properties and obtain a gas safety certificate.

How often do I need a gas safety certificate? 

A gas safety check must be completed on rental properties every 12 months and a gas safety certificate must be issued on completion of this check. Our bespoke management software will also automate a reminder 4 weeks before your next gas safety inspection is due.

How do I arrange for a gas safety check? 

Landlords can arrange for a gas safety certificate to be carried out by calling, emailing or contacting us on line where our team will organise a visit from our Gas Safe Registered engineers. Our experienced office staff will remove all the hassle by arranging a direct appointment with your tenant if required.

Can I carry out the gas safety check myself? 

No. This can only be carried by a qualified, certified and insured business such as us that employs gas engineers with the competence to inspect you gas installation and appliances.

What happens if I don’t get a gas safety certificate? 

If you are a landlord and you do not have a valid gas safety certificate for your rental property, you could face fines and other penalties. It is also illegal to rent out a property without a valid gas safety certificate.

Can my tenants request a copy of the  gas safety certificate before they move in? 

Yes. Your tenants have the right to request a copy of the gas safety certificate before they move into a rental property. It is good practice to have a gas safety certificate in place before concluding a rental agreement with a tenant

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