Fire Risk Assessments London – Residential & Commercial FRAs

What is a fire risk assessment? 

A fire risk assessment is a thorough examination of a property’s potential fire hazards and risks, as well as the measures in place to prevent and mitigate those risks. It is the process of identifying and assessing fire hazards and risks in a building or other premises, as well as determining the appropriate measures to take to prevent fires and protect occupants in the event of a fire. 

A fire risk assessment’s purpose is to identify and assess potential fire hazards and risks in a property, as well as to implement measures to reduce the likelihood of a fire occurring and to protect against fire risks. Identifying and eliminating fire hazards, implementing fire prevention measures, providing adequate fire safety equipment and information, and developing emergency evacuation plans are all examples of what this entails. 

Fire risk assessments are required by law for most commercial properties in the United Kingdom or residential properties with any shared or communal areas (including HMOs), and they are also recommended for residential properties to ensure occupant safety.

Different Types of Properties That Require Fire Risk Assessment

Both residential and commercial properties require a fire risk assessment. Residential properties include houses, flats, apartments, HMOs (houses in multiple occupation), care homes, hostels, etc. On the other hand, commercial properties include offices, shops, hotels, factories, warehouses and more

While both types of buildings require fire safety measures such as smoke detectors and emergency exits, their respective risks differ significantly due to the nature of their usage. 

Residential Property Risks: Residential buildings pose unique risks due to different activities carried out by occupants such as cooking or heating appliances.

Commercial Property Risks: Commercial buildings have higher risks due to more electrical equipment use such as servers or manufacturing equipment which can be a fire risk

It’s also worth noting that different types of businesses may have specific requirements regarding how they should undertake their assessments. For example since hospitals must operate at all times an effective evacuation plan may need additional details for patients who may need assistance moving during a crisis.

Fire Risk Assessment is vital for all types of buildings in London. A proactive approach can minimise risks, protect lives, and ensure compliance with legal safety requirements.

Residential Properties Fire Risk Assessment

A fire risk assessment is a thorough examination of your home designed to identify potential fire hazards and evaluate the risks they pose. The purpose of this assessment is to help you develop a plan to minimise the risk of fire in your home.

Conducting a fire risk assessment involves examining all areas of your home, from the living room to the garage and identifying any potential hazards that could lead to a fire. The first step in conducting a residential property fire risk assessment is to identify all possible sources of ignition.

These can include electrical appliances, candles, smoking materials and cooking equipment. After identifying potential sources of ignition it’s important to assess each hazard’s likelihood of causing a fire and its potential impact on your home.

Once all hazards have been identified and assessed, it’s essential to develop an action plan for how you can mitigate these risks effectively. This may involve replacing faulty electrical equipment or ensuring that flammable materials are stored safely away from heat sources.

Residential properties contain many different types of hazards that can contribute significantly to the spread and severity of fires. Electrical appliances are one such hazard, particularly if they are not installed or maintained correctly or if their cables or connections become damaged over time.

Cooking equipment is another common source of fires in residential properties. Kitchen appliances such as ovens, cookers, microwaves and deep fryers can present serious risks if not used properly or left unattended while cooking.

Another significant source of fires in homes is smoking materials such as cigarettes, lighters and matches specifically that are often left unattended. Even when placed on ashtrays or bins containing sand meant for extinguishing cigarettes there still exists considerable risk if smokers forget to put them out.

How to Minimise the Risks Associated with These Hazards

To minimise the risks associated with fire hazards it’s important to implement a combination of strategies. These can include installing smoke detectors and fire alarms throughout your home, ensuring that electrical equipment is maintained properly and storing flammable materials safely away from sources of heat. It’s also essential to have an action plan in place in case of a fire emergency.

This can include identifying escape routes from each room in your home, having working smoke alarms on every level of your home and ensuring that everyone living in the property knows what to do in case of a fire. Our fire risk assessment in London services are readily available for residential properties.

At Pyramid Solution, can provide valuable advice on how best to mitigate risks tailored specifically for your home. Overall, understanding potential hazards that could cause fires at your property is key to maintaining safety and minimising damages from potential fires which could lead to loss or severe injury.

Commercial Properties Fire Risk Assessment

Conducting a fire risk assessment for commercial properties requires careful planning and execution. The process typically involves an on-site visit by a qualified fire risk assessor, who will inspect the premises to identify potential fire hazards

This inspection will include checking the electrical systems, heating and cooling systems, lighting, other equipment and storage areas. The assessor will also review the building’s construction materials to ensure that they are up to code and that any necessary safety measures such as sprinkler systems are in place.

Additionally, they may interview staff members to understand the daily operations of the business and identify any specific risks related to their activities. Once all potential hazards have been identified, the assessor will compile a report detailing their findings along with recommendations for mitigating these risks.

There are several potential fire hazards that can be present in commercial properties. One significant risk is electrical equipment such as computers or machinery.

If these devices become overheated or short-circuit, they can quickly ignite nearby materials. Another hazard is heating systems like boilers or furnaces that can malfunction if not maintained properly.

In addition to this, commercial properties may also contain flammable liquids like cleaning supplies or fuels which pose an increased risk of ignition if not stored correctly. It is essential to identify these potential hazards during the fire risk assessment process so that appropriate measures can be taken to minimise them.

Minimising Risks Associated with Hazards

Once all potential fire hazards have been identified during a commercial property’s fire risk assessment, it is important to take appropriate steps to minimise them. For example, one effective method of reducing electrical equipment risks is ensuring devices are regularly serviced and maintained by professionals. 

Another way of minimising risks is by creating designated storage areas for flammable liquids, with appropriate signage and ventilation.

Heating systems should be maintained and serviced to prevent malfunctioning, and smoke detectors or fire alarms should be installed in all areas of the building. Most importantly, emergency evacuation plans must be in place to ensure that all staff members are aware of what to do in case a fire occurs.

Regular staff training sessions should also be conducted to ensure everyone understands their roles during an emergency including the use of fire extinguishers. By taking these steps, commercial property owners can significantly reduce the risk of fires starting on their premises.

Differences between Residential and Commercial Properties Fire Risk Assessment

When it comes to fire risk assessment, there are significant differences between residential and commercial properties. For starters, residential properties are generally smaller in size compared to commercial properties. This means that the risks associated with residential fires are often more contained and easier to manage.

On the other hand, commercial properties can be much larger in size and have a higher number of people inside at any given time. This makes it challenging for firefighters to control a fire, particularly when dealing with high-rise buildings or multi-level structures that have complex systems such as ventilation and air conditioning.

Different Types and Levels of Risks

The types of risks associated with residential and commercial properties also differ significantly. Residential fires often result from simple ignition sources such as cooking or smoking materials. They can also occur due to faulty electrical units or appliances.

In contrast, commercial fires can arise from more complex ignition sources such as welding equipment or flammable liquids. High-rise buildings may also have a greater risk due to their heating systems, architectural designs, elevators, stairways etc.

Different Regulations That Apply to Each Type

There are different regulations governing fire safety in residential and commercial properties in the UK due to their differing risks assessments. For example, there may be different requirements for smoke detectors or fire alarms depending on whether the building is used for residential purposes or commercially.

Commercial buildings may also require sprinkler systems depending on size etc. In addition, regulations vary depending on whether the property is owned by an individual/ landlord/ company which will have an impact on responsibilities for maintaining safety measures within the building.

Different Approaches To Minimising Risks

Residential and commercial property owners need different approaches when it comes to minimising fire risks. Residential owners can take a more hands-on approach to minimise risks by educating themselves on simple measures such as keeping smoke detectors in good condition, ensuring that cooking equipment is turned off when not in use and proper storage of flammable materials.

Commercial property owners on the other hand, may need to hire the services of a professional fire risk assessor who will assess possible hazards and recommend appropriate safety measures. Regular training for staff members about evacuation procedures etc are also important preventative measures for commercial properties

The differences between residential and commercial properties mean that different approaches to managing risks associated with fires are necessary. Property owners must take the responsibility of ensuring they abide by legal requirements and always be up-to-date with regulations that apply to their type of property.

Legal Requirements for Fire Risk Assessment in London

The Legal Framework for Fire Safety in London

The legal framework for fire safety in London is governed by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. This order requires that all non-domestic premises must have a fire risk assessment conducted by a competent person who has undergone adequate training and has knowledge of the relevant legislation.

A competent person is someone who has the necessary skills, experience, and qualifications to carry out a fire risk assessment. In addition to this requirement, there are other legal requirements that property owners must adhere to.

These include ensuring that all electrical installations are safe and regularly tested, ensuring that gas appliances are serviced annually and ensuring that any combustible materials are stored safely. Failure to comply with these legal requirements can result in fines or even imprisonment.

What does a fire risk assessment include? 

A thorough inspection of the property and its features, including the layout, exits, fire safety equipment, and any potential fire hazards, is part of a fire risk assessment. The assessor will also go over any relevant fire safety documents and procedures, and may conduct tests to ensure that fire safety measures are effective.

How much does a fire risk assessment cost? 

The cost of a fire risk assessment will depend on the size and complexity of the property, as well as the location and any additional services required. Our competitive rates start as little as £180 +VAT, contact us today for a free no obligation quote 

What happens after a fire risk assessment is completed?

Following the completion of a fire risk assessment, the assessor will provide a report outlining any potential fire hazards and risks, as well as recommendations for addressing any issues discovered. It is the property owner’s or manager’s responsibility to put these recommendations into action to ensure the safety of the property and its occupants.

What other related services do you provide?

Gas Safety Certificate:

A certificate issued after inspection and testing of the complete gas installation within a property, including the gas appliances. The installation is checked for both correct operation and safety. In the UK a Gas Safety Certificate is a legal requirement to rent a property and needs to be renewed every 12 months. 


Electrical Installation Condition Report formerly known as periodic Inspection Report is an certificate outlining the condition of the electrical installation within a property and any potential or existing hazards. An EICR is a legal requirement for rental properties in the UK and maybe required if you are selling your home. 

Boiler Servicing: 

An annual boiler service is carrying out a series of checks and cleaning to the boiler in order to maintain and increase the life of a boiler. It is also a requirement by the manufacturer to honour any boiler guarantees. 

PAT Testing:

Portable appliance testing (PAT) is the label used for inspection and testing of electrical appliances and equipment to ensure they are safe to use and clear of any hazards. Majority of  electrical safety issues can be found by visual inspection but some types of defect can only be found by testing. Using the correct calibrated PAT testing equipment.


An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is a document collated from an energy assessment of a property to outline how efficiently the property performs in energy consumption and heat retention. Similar to the  multi-coloured labels now seen on new appliances,  EPCs advise how energy efficient a building is and give it a rating from A (very efficient) to G (inefficient). In the UK an EPC is a legal document required to rent or sell your property.

Legionella Risk Assessment:

To help identify potential risk factors in buildings, premises, and facilities, a legionella risk assessment is used. In order to establish effective Legionella risk controls, the findings are then used to identify the interventions that are necessary as well as the procedures and policies that need to be put in place in order to avoid existence and spread of Legionella.

Asbestos Surveys:

Asbestos surveys are inspections undertaken within a building, a property or home for the purpose of identifying the existence of asbestos containing material (ACM).

Commercial EPC:

Energy Performance Certificate for office buildings, mixed used, commercial and industrial properties. A certificate required for rental or sale of any commercial property.

Property Inventories:

Rental property inventory services, including one off inventories, check ins, check outs, interim reports and mid term reports.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it mandatory for landlords to undertake a fire risk assessment on their rental properties? 

Yes, landlords in the United Kingdom are required by law to conduct a fire risk assessment on their rental properties and to take appropriate action based on the results of the assessment.

All residential properties with common areas (shared halls, stairs, lifts, joint entrances, tank rooms, etc.) are required by law to have a fire risk assessment performed. The extent of this is determined by the building’s type, size, and complexity. 

Licensed houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) are subject to the Fire Safety Order 2005, and as the owner or manager, you must conduct a fire risk assessment. 

A fire risk assessment is a tool for identifying potential fire hazards and deciding what physical fire precautions and management arrangements are required to ensure people’s safety.

The assessment requires identifying potential fire hazards, putting preventative measures in place, and providing tenants with adequate fire safety equipment and information. 

What are the consequences of failing to conduct a fire risk assessment on a rental property? 

If a fire occurs and it is determined that the lack of a fire risk assessment contributed to the risk or severity of the fire, landlords who fail to conduct a fire risk assessment on their rental properties may be fined and face criminal charges. 

Is it a legal requirement for landlords to provide tenants with a copy of the fire risk assessment? 

Yes, landlords in the United Kingdom are required by law to provide tenants with a copy of the fire risk assessment, as well as any relevant fire safety information. Tenants have the right to be informed about fire safety in the rental property and should be able to consult the fire risk assessment if they have any questions or concerns. 

What should a rental property fire risk assessment include? 

A thorough inspection of the property, identification of any potential fire hazards, implementation of fire prevention measures, provision of adequate fire safety equipment, and provision of fire safety information to tenants should all be part of a fire risk assessment for a rental property. 

How often should a fire risk assessment on a rental property be performed? 

The frequency of fire risk assessments on rental properties will be determined by the property’s specific circumstances and any changes that may affect fire safety. 

A fire risk assessment should be performed at least every three years, or more frequently if there are significant changes to the property or if there are any identified fire hazards. 

Can landlords delegate the task of conducting a fire risk assessment to a professional? 

Yes, landlords have the option of delegating the responsibility for conducting a fire risk assessment to a professional, such as a qualified fire risk assessor or a fire safety consultant. It is critical that the person conducting the assessment has the necessary expertise and qualifications to ensure a thorough and accurate assessment. 

Can landlords conduct their own fire risk assessment? 

Landlords are allowed to conduct their own fire risk assessments if they have the necessary knowledge and expertise. However, landlords should seek professional advice if they are unsure of their ability to conduct a thorough and accurate assessment.

Can tenants obtain a copy of the fire risk assessment for the rental property? 

Yes, tenants have the right to obtain a copy of the fire risk assessment for the rental property. Landlords must provide tenants with a copy of the assessment upon request or make it available for viewing. 

Can tenants request that a fire risk assessment be performed on the rental property? 

Tenants do not have the legal right to request that a fire risk assessment be performed on the rental property. They can, however, express their concerns about fire safety to the landlord and request that appropriate action be taken. 

Who is responsible for keeping fire safety equipment in a rental property in good working order? 

The landlord is responsible for keeping fire safety equipment in rental properties in good working order. This includes testing and replacing equipment as needed, as well as making sure tenants understand how to use the equipment in the event of a fire.

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