Lead pipe replacement London

Need lead pipes in your property replaced? Our team of experienced plumbers have the necessary skills to ensure your lead pipes are replaced safely and correctly. Contact us today for a free quote!

What is lead?

It is a naturally occurring metal. Lead can enter our bodies in a number of ways, it may be in our food, or it may  be in our water. Even the air we breathe can allow them to enter our bodies. 

Both children and adults who are lead-poisoned experience devastating physical effects. In children, it is much worse because of permanent changes in behaviour and learning capacity brought on by the damaged nervous system development. Adults who are lead poisoned may experience reproductive issues or kidney damage. When lead exposure lasts for a long time, the effects are intensified.

What Lead Replacement Service do you provide?

We provide repairs of small sections that are damaged or leaking to extensive total replacement of your supply pipework. Contact us to discuss further. If you do replace all the lead supply pipes within the property you can contact the water supplier to replace their section of the pipework under the Lead Replacement Scheme

How much  does it cost to replace Lead Pipe in my property?

It really depends on the extent of the work the type of replacement and the length of the pipe. Replacing a small section of damaged or leaking pipe starts from as little as £60+ VAT but please call us for a more detailed free quote.

What other services do you provide?

Dishwasher Installation:

Installation of freestanding dishwashers including associated plumbing and pipework

Washing Machine Installation:

Installation of freestanding washing machines including associated plumbing and pipework

Plumbing and heating:

All aspects of plumbing and heating repair, installation and servicing 

Unvented Cylinders:

Installation of direct and indirect unvented cylinders. We are experienced in unvented cylinders as part of gas boiler installation, a HIU installation or stand alone electric Unvented cylinders. 

Power flushing: 

A method of deep cleaning your central heating system, including pipework, radiators and boiler. Power flushing improves the quality of the water contained within the system by removing the sludge and rust build up that can cause boiler breakdown or long term damage to your boiler and radiators.

Magnetic Filters: 

A device that collects debris and rust from the heating system. It can prevent damage to the boiler, leaking radiators and sludge build up within the central heating system.

Boiler Servicing: 

An annual boiler service is carrying out a series of checks and cleaning to the boiler in order to maintain and increase the life of a boiler. It is also a requirement by the manufacturer to honour any boiler guarantees. 

Gas Appliance Installation:

Installing and servicing a variety of water heating and cooking appliances. Including pipework and all associated works 

Gas Leak Repair:

Locating and repairing gas leaks from your gas pipework or gas appliances.

Boiler Installation:

We provide a variety of Gas Boiler installations including Heat Only, System Boilers and Combi Boilers. We are experienced and registered installers of all major brands such as Idea, Baxi, Main, Vaillant, Keston and many more.

HIU Servicing:

Heat Interface Units (HIUs) are heat exchange units that are part of a larger network, communal heating systems. Visually they look similar to combi boilers and also require regular servicing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I replace my lead pipes? 

Lead pipes can leach lead into your drinking water, endangering your health. To ensure the safety of your drinking water, it is critical to replace lead pipes. 

How do I determine if I have lead pipes? 

Lead pipes are typically grey with a metallic lustre. You can also ask your water supplier or a plumber to inspect your pipes to see if they are made of lead. 

How long does it take to replace lead pipes?

The time required to replace lead pipes varies depending on the extent of the work required and the accessibility of the pipes. In general, the replacement process can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks. 

Can I replace the lead pipes myself?

It is usually best to hire a professional plumber to replace lead pipes because the process can be complicated and dangerous. Attempting to replace lead pipes on your own can result in additional damage or injury. 

What is the cost of replacing lead pipes? 

The cost of replacing lead pipes varies according to the scope of the work required and the location of the pipes. To determine the cost of the replacement, it is best to get a quote from a professional plumber. 

What are the alternatives to lead pipes? 

Copper and plastic pipes are the most common lead pipe substitutes. These materials are non-toxic and do not leach contaminants into the water you drink. 

Will my water service be affected during the replacement? 


During the lead pipe replacement process, your water service may be temporarily interrupted. Your plumber will notify you of any necessary disruptions and will do everything possible to minimise any inconvenience. 

Is it possible to use my water while the lead pipes are being replaced? 

It is generally recommended that you refrain from using your water while the lead pipes are being replaced, as this may interfere with the work. When it is safe to use your water again, your plumber will notify you.

Who pays for lead pipe replacement in my property?

In most cases, the property owner is responsible for the cost of replacing lead pipes on their property. This includes labour and material costs. If the lead pipes are part of a shared plumbing system, the cost of replacement may need to be negotiated with the other parties involved. 

Grants or financial assistance may be available in some cases to assist with the cost of lead pipe replacement. For more information, contact your local water utility or government agency.

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