Ideal Room Temperatures – How to Heat your Home



What Is the Ideal Room Temperature? 

It can be difficult to determine the ideal room temperature for your home. The need to balance the comfort of various family members, let alone animals, can make deciding how to manage your central heating a difficult decision. It is also important to consider the cost of heating rooms to a specific temperature, as well as the impact this will have on your home’s humidity and carbon footprint. 

The Basics of Room Temperature 

Different room temperatures are common among members of the same household. When a room is heated to 20°C, a person’s level of comfort will most likely differ from that of their partner, sibling, parent, son or daughter. 

Factors such as air humidity, clothing worn, and levels of physical activity can all have an impact on the ambient room temperature. All of these factors can influence a person’s thermal comfort and, as a result, their preferred room temperature.

Air humidity has a significant impact; the higher the humidity, the lower the required room temperature, and vice versa. 

Achieving the ideal temperature in your home is critical for a variety of reasons. Physical comfort should be prioritised; being too hot impairs concentration, while being too cold increases the risk of common colds. It also increases the likelihood of mould spores growing and causing respiratory issues. 

Cost is another consideration. Central heating is an expensive overhead, so it is important to be as cost-effective as possible, which can also help reduce your carbon footprint. 

How to heat various rooms 

The average room temperature is around 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit). This is a good ambient temperature to aim for, but keep in mind that different rooms will need to be heated to different temperatures. 

Living rooms should be heated to around 20 to 22 °C because this is where you will be sitting for long periods of time. Similarly, office spaces should be heated to this temperature to aid concentration. 

Bathrooms, on the other hand, should be heated to between 22 and 24°C, according to experts. Bathrooms should be heated to prevent people from stepping out of hot showers into comparably cold rooms and contracting an illness as a result. 

Bedroom temperatures should be between 16 and 19°C. Our body temperature drops while we sleep, so sleeping in a cool room helps us maintain our internal temperature regulation and get a good night’s sleep. Depending on their age, children’s bedrooms should be slightly warmer, around 17-20°C. 

Hallways, laundry rooms, and lofts, among other places where people spend little time, should be slightly cooler than normal living spaces. Aim for temperatures ranging from 15 to 18°C. 

Recommended temperature for different rooms

RoomIdeal Temperature 
Bedroom16°C – 19°C
Living room20°C – 22°C
Office20°C – 22°C
Entrance Hall18°C 
Bathroom22°C – 24°C
Kitchen18°C – 20°C 

What is the ideal room temperature In winter and summer? 

The best ambient temperature for your home is typically between 18-20 °C all year, but the steps required to achieve this temperature vary depending on the season. It is recommended that you use a thermostat to monitor how the temperature fluctuates throughout the day, regardless of the season. 

Because of the colder weather outside in the winter, it is usually more difficult and costly to keep this temperature in the home. 

In the summer, the challenge is frequently lowering the temperature to 18-20 °C. We recommend opening windows to reduce air humidity. 

How to Heat a House Cheaply 

Heating a home is a significant monthly expense for most households, especially during the colder months. As a result, it stands to reason that we should look for more cost-effective ways to heat our homes. 

Many people try to achieve this by turning down their central heating overnight or completely turning it off in unused rooms or when they are not at home. While this can significantly reduce costs in the short term, it eventually leads to a number of issues. 

For starters, a cold home is more likely to have mould because cold air transports less of the water vapour condensing on windows and walls. Mould is not only unpleasant to deal with, but it can also cause health problems if left untreated. 

Second, reducing central heating in this manner forces your boiler to work harder to maintain your desired temperature the rest of the time, consuming more fuel. While this is still less expensive than leaving your heating on at a low setting all the time, it is possible to be more fuel efficient. 

There are more efficient ways to heat a home, such as better insulation, double-glazing, and switching energy suppliers. However, getting a digital thermostat is one of the best ways to improve the ambient room temperature. 

A digital thermostat allows you to programme temperatures for specific times, allowing you to manage your room temperature room by room while also taking the weather into account. Heating a home in this manner gives you more control over when you use energy, allowing you to save money. 

Final Thoughts

• The ideal room temperature varies from person to person and is affected by air humidity, clothing worn, and level of physical activity. 

• Aim for a room temperature of 20°C on average, with the bedroom slightly cooler and the bathroom slightly warmer. 

• Consider supplementing your central heating by self-regulating the temperature of your home 

• Purchase a digital thermostat to better track and manage your home’s temperature from anywhere.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the ideal room temperature for a pregnant woman? 

Many pregnant women report feeling hotter. It is critical to stay cool and hydrated while pregnant, for both your own and your baby’s sake. There is no ideal room temperature, but we recommend experimenting with different levels of central heating to find one that is comfortable for you. Speak with a medical professional if you are concerned about the heating in your home while pregnant. 

What is the ideal temperature for babies and children’s rooms? 

Babies and young children are less able to regulate their own body temperature due to their age. To keep them healthy and comfortable, it is critical to use central heating and other types of temperature regulation. 

A toddler’s ideal sleeping temperature is between 18.3-21.1 °C, which is slightly higher than the temperature most adults prefer. Furthermore, scientists recommend that a sleeping baby’s room temperature be between 16 and 20 degrees Celsius. Check the temperature of the room on a regular basis and consult a medical professional if necessary. 

What is the best temperature for an elderly person’s room? 

The elderly are most vulnerable to health complications caused by cold weather. If you are elderly, have limited mobility, or have a health condition, the NHS recommends that you heat your home to at least 18 degrees Celsius. Bedrooms, in particular, should be kept at a temperature of at least 18°C, and you can keep warm in bed with a hot water bottle or an electric blanket. 

To avoid draughts, the NHS also suggests drawing curtains at dusk and keeping doors closed. We also recommend that you have your heating system checked by a qualified professional on a regular basis to keep you and your family warm at home. 

What is the ideal temperature for a pet’s room? 

There are numerous factors that influence your pet’s ambient room temperature. Size, weight, age, health, coat type, and breed all play a role in determining a pet’s thermal comfort level. Most pets, like humans, prefer temperatures between 20 and 22 degrees Celsius. 

In the summer, keep the room temperature below 26°C. Animals, whether pugs, pomeranians, or parakeets, can quickly overheat. In the winter, keep the temperature above 16-18°C and provide your pet with a soft, warm bed to sleep on. It’s also worth noting that the larger the animal, the lower the temperature usually can be. 

What is the NHS’s winter room temperature recommendation? 

During the winter months, the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom recommends keeping the room temperature between 18°C and 21°C to maintain a comfortable and healthy environment. 

What is the ideal temperature for the human body in a room? 

The human body prefers a temperature range of 18°C to 24°C. This temperature range is regarded as pleasant and promotes a healthy indoor environment. 

What is the ideal sleeping temperature? 

The ideal sleeping temperature is between 16°C and 20°C. This temperature range encourages restful and comfortable sleep by allowing the body to naturally regulate its temperature and ensure a good night’s sleep. 

What is the ideal winter room temperature? 

According to the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom, the ideal room temperature during the winter is between 18°C and 21°C. During the winter, this temperature range is considered comfortable and promotes a healthy indoor environment. 

What is the ideal human body temperature? 

Humans prefer temperatures ranging from 18°C to 24°C. This temperature range is regarded as pleasant and promotes a healthy indoor environment for the human body. 

What is the recommended house temperature by the government? 

The government does not recommend a specific house temperature. However, to maintain a comfortable and healthy environment during the winter months, the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom recommends keeping the room temperature between 18°C and 21°C.


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