HIU Service Checklist, Prepare for your HIU Service

What is an HIU Service?

An HIU service is a routine check of a Heat Interface Unit (HIU) to ensure that it is operating safely and efficiently. The service should be carried out annually by a qualified engineer to ensure the HIU continues to operate effectively and any potential issues can be recognised early.

Why is an HIU Service required?

An HIU service is required to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the HIU. Regular servicing can help identify and prevent potential faults before they turn into more significant problems that could be costly to repair. A service can help extend the lifespan of the HIU and save on energy bills.

What will be checked during the HIU Service?

During an HIU service the following checks will be carried out:

The engineer will check the overall condition of the HIU including the casing, valves, and control to identify any potential hazards.

The HIU pressure and temperature will be checked and adjusted if necessary.

The safety devices of the HIU will be tested and checked to make sure they are operating correctly

The flow and return temperature will be checked to ensure that they are at the correct level for safe and efficient operation

The heat exchanger and plate will be inspected to ensure they are working efficiently and free of blockages 

Any filters present will be checked and cleaned as required

The pipework will be inspected to ensure there are no leaks or obstructions

HIU Service Checklist for Occupants and Tenants:

To ensure a smooth HIU service it is important to prepare in advance. Here are some key points to keep in mind before the arrival of the engineer:

  • To prepare for a HIU servicing and repair make sure that the HIU is easily accessible and free from any obstructions.
  • The HIU should be turned off 30 minutes before and should be running hot or in use during the visit
  • If the HIU is not operational, please inform us or the engineer in advance. 
  • Ensure the safety of children and animals during the visit by supervising them adequately. 
  • HIUs in lofts or basements must be easily accessible via a secure staircase or fixed ladders.
  •  If there are any leaks or if you suspect that there may be a leak from any of your heating appliances or the HIU please let the engineer know in advance so that they can take the necessary precautions. 
  • Make sure that all electrical appliances and devices near the HIU are turned off during the visit

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